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Distributed by MVE
En réapprovisionnementDistributed by MVE
Workbench saver
Distributed by MVE
Valve with hose barb – propane or oxygen
Bethlehem Burners
Universal Hose and Y Connector Set
Distributed by MVE
Transport trolley for 2 oxygen bottles
Torch top marver n°6
Torch top marver n°5
The Blast Shield
Smith/Sharp Flame Torch Stand with base
En réapprovisionnementThe Blast Shield
Single-Jet EX Torch Tip
Distributed by MVE
Propane/gas hose
Distributed by MVE
Oxygen pressure regulator
Distributed by MVE
Oxygen hose
Distributed by MVE, Madhatter Glassworks
Needle Valve for Flexburner or Microburner
Distributed by MVE, Madhatter Glassworks
Modular Y splitter
En réapprovisionnementDistributed by MVE
Micro torch
Distributed by MVE
Male connector oxygen
Distributed by MVE
Male connector GAS
Distributed by MVE
Low-pressure propane regulator
L-shape torch top marver
En réapprovisionnementDistributed by MVE
Kevlar protection sleeve with velcro band
En réapprovisionnementDistributed by MVE
Kevlar protection sleeve
Distributed by MVE
Hose barb set for oxyconcentrator
Distributed by MVE
Hose barb set (oxy + gas)
Distributed by MVE
Glassworking Safety Goggles 66 (Unisex)
Distributed by MVE
Glassworking Safety Goggles (Woman)