Distributed by MVE, Madhatter Glassworks
Needle Valve for Flexburner or Microburner
Distributed by MVE
Oxygen hose
Distributed by MVE
Oxygen pressure regulator
Distributed by MVE
Propane/gas hose
En réapprovisionnementThe Blast Shield
Single-Jet EX Torch Tip
The Blast Shield
Smith/Sharp Flame Torch Stand with base
Torch top marver n°5
Torch top marver n°6
Distributed by MVE
Transport trolley for 2 oxygen bottles
Bethlehem Burners
Universal Hose and Y Connector Set
Distributed by MVE
Valve with hose barb – propane or oxygen
En réapprovisionnementDistributed by MVE
Workbench saver
Distributed by MVE